
Our campaigns focus on advocating for a robust food policy bundle that improves public health and ensures an equitable food environment.


Comprehensive Food Policy Campaigns Towards Improved Public Health

Our campaigns focus on advocating for a robust food policy bundle that safeguards the public’s health and ensures an equitable and healthy food environment. The policy bindle includes; the front-of-pack food labeling policy, the public food procurement and service policy, the food-related fiscal policy, and the food marketing regulation policy which has the potential to contribute to making a healthy diet available, affordable, and accessible to all in Ghana.

Front of Pack Labelling Policy

Easy to Understand Food Labels, Healthier Food Choices


Simple, easy-to-understand front-of-pack food labels enable consumers to easily and quickly make an informed choice about the healthiness of their foods.

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Public Food Procurement & Service Policy

Ensuring Quality Food for All


Policies that set criteria for the service and sale of food in public settings and/or government expenditure on food (including purchases and subsidies) to promote healthy diets.

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Food-related Fiscal Policy

Eat Smart, Pay Less


Policies that include the imposition of taxes on unhealthy foods and beverages that are considered to be unhealthy and subsidies on foods that are healthy.

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Marketing Regulations Policy

 Safe Ads, Healthy Kids


Policies that prevent or restrict the marketing (promotion, advertising) of foods and beverages that are considered to be unhealthy.

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Does your organization have a demonstrated commitment to public health promotion and advocacy? Can your organization contribute expertise, resources, or networks that will strengthen CAPHA's capacity to influence public health policy and educate communities? Is your organization willing to collaborate actively with other coalition members, sharing knowledge and participating in joint efforts to achieve broader public health objectives?